Sabsige soppu saaru recipe | How to make dill leaves rasam
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Sabsige soppu saaru or dill leaves rasam recipe explained using a quick video.
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Sabsige soppu saaru is a very tasty and simple rasam recipe. Sabsige soppu saaru is prepared using dill leaves, coconut, coriander, cumin, black pepper, green chili, salt, tamarind and jaggery.
Date Published | 2017-12-20 09:57:03Z |
Likes | 212 |
Views | 49806 |
Duration | 0:01:10 |
Tq for sharing
Taste hegirutte madam
Can I prep this wid out using coconut? Wud it taste gud?
So interesting. What do you have this with? With Rice or dosa?