ઊંધિયું ભુલાવીદે તેવું ઓછા તેલમાં શિયાળા સ્પેશ્યલ દાણામુઠીયાનું શાક | Surti Dana Muthiya Nu Shaak

ઊંધિયું ભુલાવીદે તેવું ઓછા તેલમાં શિયાળા સ્પેશ્યલ દાણામુઠીયાનું શાક | Surti Dana Muthiya Nu Shaak

Description :

#surtidanamuthiyanushaak #danamuthiyanushaak #sheetalkitchen

Are you looking for a dish that is both nutritious and delicious? Then you need to try surti papdi dana nu shaak! This dish is full of flavor and is sure to please your palate.

In this video, we’ll be covering everything you need to know about surti papdi dana nu shaak. From the ingredients to the instructions, we’ll cover everything you need to make this delicious dish. So if you’re in the mood for something nutritious and delicious, try surti papdi dana nu shaak!

Prep Time + Cook Time : 45 Min.
Servings : 4 Servings

1 Cup Pigen peas
12 Cup Surti papadi dana
2 tbs Oil
2 tsp carom seeds
1 tsp Hing
For Paste 2-3 Inch Ginger
4-5 white part of Green garlic
5 green Chilli
100 gm Spinach
12 Cup Coriander leaves
14 Cup Green Garlic leaves
14 Cup wheat flour
and Besan
4 tbs Juwar Flour and semolina
1-2 tbs ginger chili paste
1 tsp carom seeds
Masala as used
12 Cup Coriander leaves

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ઢોકળા / ઇદડા / મુઠીયા ની રેસીપી DHOKLA | IDADA | MUTHIYA – RECIPES–https://bit.ly/2PqnJty
હાંડવો રેસીપી | HANDVO RECIPES–https://bit.ly/30tKCSV

નવો નાસ્તો | NEW RECIPES–https://bit.ly/30pZtxQ
ગુજરાતી નાસ્તો | GUJARATI SNACKS–https://bit.ly/3i6r3Gm
ગુજરાતી ફરસાણ ની રેસીપી | GUJARATI FARSAN RECIPE–https://bit.ly/3glwGQx
ગુજરાતી ફરાળી રેસીપી | UPVAS / FASTING RECIPE–https://bit.ly/39T3D4e
ઝટપટ બનતા નાસ્તાઓ | QUICK SNACKS RECIPE–https://bit.ly/2Duuojv

ગુજરાતી મીઠાઈ | GUJARATI SWEETS–https://bit.ly/3k8WoKj

પંજાબી શાક ની રેસિપી | PUNJABI CURRY RECIPE–https://bit.ly/3fvn7gu
ગુજરાતી દાળ – ભાત | ખીચડી | કઢી ની રેસીપી–https://bit.ly/2DzFpQy
પરોઢા | ભાખરી | થેપલા ની રેસીપી – PARATHA & THEPLA RECIPES–https://bit.ly/2PrCUTg


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Thank you so much for your love and support 🙂
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Rated 5.00

Date Published 2022-12-05 10:56:09
Likes 1421
Views 32547
Duration 11:24

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