ഇങ്ങനെയും ഒരു Pizza | Easy Tasty Vegetarian Pizza |.Salu Kitchen Specials
Description :
Easy to make tasty veg pizza from Salu Kitchen. Can be made with easily available ingredients at home.
Accessorise you kitchen with Amazon: https://amzn.to/2kvnn54
This is a simple yet delicious recipe that can be prepared even by beginners.
Gas top Pizza(with out oven):
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*The video is in Malayalam.*
Date Published | 2019-08-26 06:00:00Z |
Likes | N/A |
Views | 139488 |
Duration | 0:12:52 |
Otg yil cheyyan sadikkumo
Itha melinjalloo
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Please reply I want to cook pizza
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Hi sameeratha yentha vishesham