सीफूड प्रेमींसाठी 'कोळंबी घी रोस्ट' | Prawns Ghee Roast | Prawns Fry Recipe | Chef Tushar

सीफूड प्रेमींसाठी 'कोळंबी घी रोस्ट' | Prawns Ghee Roast | Prawns Fry Recipe | Chef Tushar

Description :

Prawns Ghee Roast is a flavorful and aromatic dish that originates from the coastal regions of Karnataka, India. It’s known for its rich, spicy, and buttery flavor profile, typically served with rice, neer dosa, or chapati.

कोळंबी घी रोस्ट मध्ये मसालेदार आणि लोणीदार चवीचे मिश्रण असते, आणि ती सामान्यतः भात, नीर डोसा किंवा चपातीसोबत सर्व्ह केली जाते.

Prawns consist of Fatty Acid that helps in protecting you against Alzheimer’s disease. Apart from Alzheimer’s, eating Prawns on regular basis, can help you protect against all heart problems.

कोळंबीमध्ये कॅलरीज खूप कमी असतात त्यामुळे वजनवाढीची समस्या असलेल्यांसाठी ती खाणे खूप फायदेशीर ठरते. कोळंबीमध्ये भरपूर फॅटी ॲसिड असते त्यामुळे कोळंबी नियमित खाल्याने अल्झायमरसारख्या आजारावर नियंत्रण ठेवता येते.

#seafood #prawns #prawnsfry #masalaprawns #thecharecipe #ruchkarmejwani

1 cup Jumbo Prawns (cleaned)
½ tsp Turmeric Powder
Salt (as per taste)
juice of half a Lemon
2 tbsp Coriander Seeds
1 tsp Black Peppercorns
1 tsp Fenugreek Leaves
1 tsp Mustard Seeds
1 tsp Poppy Seeds
1 tbsp Cumin Seeds
6-8 Byadagi Red Chillies (soaked in water)
1 tsp Jaggery
1 tbsp Tamarind
10-12 Cashew Nuts
Water (as required)
4 tsp Ghee
1 tsp Ghee
8-10 Curry Leaves
Salt (as per taste)

Host: Tushar Priti Deshmukh
Copyrights: REPL

You can also try our other seafood recipes:-
Stuffed Bombil Fry – https://youtu.be/_CyH1nn7HUM
Stuffed Pomfret Fry – https://youtu.be/2QbzFzt50hI
Stuffed Bangda Fry – https://youtu.be/w4ckTjUNKd4

For feedback and suggestions please write to us at foodcurry47@gmail.com

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Rated 5.00

Date Published 2024-07-03 05:30:30
Likes 303
Views 7570
Duration 3:20

Article Categories:
Maharashtrian · Marathi

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