महिला दिन विशेष जेवणाच नियोजन । From Breakfast to Dinner: Healthy Meal Plan | Women's Day Special
Description :
जागतिक महिला दिन या विशेष कार्यक्रमात, आम्ही तुम्हाला घरी बनवता येणारा एक संपूर्ण जेवणाचा आराखडा सांगणार आहोत, भाजलेले रताळे, पडवळ काळा चना भाजी, व्हेज. कोस्टल सूप ह्या रेसिपीज तुम्ही अगदी सोप्प्या पद्धतीने घरी बनवू शकाल.
In this special episode for International Women’s Day, we are going to tell you a complete & healthy meal plan from breakfast to dinner that you can make at home. Baked Sweet Potato, Padwal Kala Chana Bhaji, Veg. Coastal Soup – All the recipes mentioned are easy to cook.
#womensdayspecial #glutenfree #mealplan #onedaymeal #ruchkarmejwani #baked #sweetpotato #coastalsoup #souprecipe #padwalbhaji #snakegourdrecipes #snakegourd
Baked Sweet Potatoes –
1 tbsp Butter (for greasing)
1 tbsp Garlic (chopped)
1 Sweet Potato (sliced)
Salt (as required)
¼ tsp Black Pepper (crushed)
¼ tsp Barbecue Seasoning
1 tsp Butter
1 tsp Garlic (crushed)
Salt (as required)
¼ tsp Barbecue Seasoning
½ tsp Black Pepper (crushed)
2 tbsp Fresh Cream
Bake it @ 180°C for 20-25 mins.
Padwal Kala Watana Bhaji –
2 tsp Oil
1 tsp Mustard Oil
1 tsp Asafoetida
½ tsp Turmeric Powder
250 gms Snake Gourd (chopped)
2 tbsp Black Chickpeas (soaked)
Water (as required)
Cover & cook for 5 mins.
Salt (as required)
½ tsp Sambar Powder
½ tsp Red Chili Powder
Water (as required)
Cover & cook for 2 mins.
1 tbsp Jaggery
1 tbsp Coconut (grated)
Coastal Vegetable Soup –
1 tbsp Butter
1 tbsp Garlic (crushed)
1 tbsp Carrot (julienned)
6-7 French Beans (sliced)
8 -10 Broccoli Florets
1 cup Water
Let the veggies cook for 2-3 mins.
Salt (as required)
½ tbsp Black Pepper (crushed)
1 tbsp Sweet Chilli Sauce
Water (as required)
1 cup Coconut Milk
1 cup Moong Bean Sprouts
Let it cook for a couple mins.
Host: Roopa
Copyrights: REPL
You can also try our other thali recipes:-
कोल्हापुरी वेज थाळी – https://youtu.be/A168i4rXupE
मालवणी थाळी – https://youtu.be/Z7-ZN3PF_MM
कोंकणी शाकाहारी थाळी – https://youtu.be/NfBCv9T5C4g
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महिला दिन विशेष जेवणाच नियोजन । From Breakfast to Dinner: Healthy Meal Plan | Women’s Day Special
Date Published | 2025-03-03 07:08:06 |
Likes | 66 |
Views | 2630 |
Duration | 5:49 |