मसालेभाताचे सिक्रेट | खास पद्धतीने बनवा अप्रतिम चवीचा मसालेभात #masalebhaat #masalaricerecipe

मसालेभाताचे सिक्रेट | खास पद्धतीने बनवा अप्रतिम चवीचा मसालेभात #masalebhaat #masalaricerecipe

Description :

Learn how to make Masale Bhaat a traditional Maharashtrian festive recipe from our chef Archana on Ruchkar Mejwani. Masale Bhaat (Masala Bhaat) is a spicy vegetarian rice recipe with lots of vegetables along with some dry fruits! Masala Rice is a perfect combination of nutrition and taste!

महाराष्ट्रीयन मसाले भात हा एक प्रकारचा पुलाव असून याचे महाराष्ट्रीयन थाळीत अढळ स्थान आहे. याच्याइतका रंगीबेरंगी पुलाव क्वचितच पाहण्यात येतो.

Eating white rice can provide an instant boost of energy as it is rich in carbohydrates, which are the primary source of energy for our body.

भात पचणासाठी सहज आणि पोटासाठी हलका असतो. भाता मुळे झोप येण्यास मदत होते आणि हार्मोनल संतुलन चांगले राहते.

#masalebhaat #masalaricerecipe #indianrecipes #ruchkarmejwani #indiancuisine

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To watch Mix Masala recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL3CLWKh0m8


3 cups Rice
1/4 kg Tondli (Ivy Gourd)
2 Green Chillies
1 tbsp Masala
90 gm Cashwenuts
1/2 cup Coriander leaves
1/2 cup Grated coconut
1/2 tsp Red Chilli powder
Salt to taste
3-4 tbsp oil


Heat some oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, green chillies & coriander leaves. Add tondli (Ivy Gourd) and mix well.
Add salt, rice and mix well.
Add turmeric powder, coriander cumin seed powder, cashews, grated coconut, coriander leaves & mix masala.
Add water and let the rice cook for 10-15 mins.
Garnish it with coriander leaves and serve hot.

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

You can also try our version of different khichdi rice recipes:-
Nanded Khichdi – https://youtu.be/P45e4YsQwew
Masala Khichdi – https://youtu.be/EyJ8nmy2kz8
Daliya Khichdi – https://youtu.be/v16ayOKmc1s

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Rated 5.00

Date Published 2024-08-11 05:30:28
Likes 212
Views 7401
Duration 20

Article Categories:
Maharashtrian · Marathi

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