झटपट होईल असा करून पहा खमंग जाळीदार मिलेट ढोकला | Millet Dhokla Recipe | #shorts | #food
Description :
Learn how to make Millet Dhokla Recipe with Chef Shilpa on Ruchkar Mejwani.
Millet dhokla is a variation of the traditional Indian dish dhokla, which is a savory steamed cake made from fermented batter. Millet dhokla is prepared using millet flour (such as pearl millet, finger millet, or sorghum) instead of traditional ingredients like rice or chickpea flour. It’s a healthier alternative, rich in nutrients and fiber. Millet dhokla can be served as a snack or breakfast item and is popular in regions where millets are commonly consumed.
#dhokla #dhoklarecipe #milletrecipes #breakfast #ruchkarmejwani
Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL
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Date Published | 2024-03-09 05:30:02 |
Likes | 192 |
Views | 4819 |
Duration | 59 |