Weight loss drink | fat cutter drink | weight loss juice | drink for weight loss

Weight loss drink | fat cutter drink | weight loss juice | drink for weight loss

Description :

Safed petha from Agra, India is world-famous. Not only is it delicious and contains fruit fiber, but it is also very healthy. Safed petha is made by drying pieces of ash gourd in lime water, then cooking these pieces in sugar, which adds to its sweet flavor while acting as a natural preservative. Safed petha contains iron, calcium, sulfur, and Vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as protein. 100 grams of Safed petha contains 34 grams of protein. Petha is made from the ash gourd and, by its very nature, has a cooling effect on our system. Therefore, it should be avoided when you have a fever, cold, cough, or sinus infection.

The PH of our blood is between 7.35 and 7.46, making it 80% alkaline, whereas the foods we eat are basically acidic. Only fruits and raw vegetables are alkaline, but when mixed with salt, they lose this quality. Petha juice is especially beneficial, as it is 100% alkaline. Most of the health problems we deal with in modern times are due to the acidic nature of the food we eat. The more acidic the food, the more harmful it is, and vice versa.

Safed petha has a number of health benefits, including:

It is beneficial for people who have heart diseases as ash gourd juice helps to open up blocked arteries. It also improves the functioning of the pancreas and stimulates insulin, thereby making it good for patients suffering from diabetes.
It has a cooling effect on our system, which makes it beneficial to those people who suffer from frequent burning sensations in their stomachs, lungs, hands, and feet. It can also cool our digestive systems, making it beneficial in diminishing the effects of stomach infection, indigestion, acid reflux, liver enlargement, and constipation.
Petha juice is very helpful in curing bleeding in any part of the body (such as the nose or gums), piles, or vomiting. Usually, such types of bleeding happen due to an imbalance in body temperature. When the temperature inside our body rises beyond a certain limit, bleeding can occur. Due to the cooling nature of petha, it can help to maintain body temperature and prevent such issues.
In this same way, petha juice can help people suffering from high blood pressure. Consuming fried foods, spicy foods, or trans fats can heighten body temperature. This causes issues inside the body and is the main reason for raising blood pressure levels.
Petha juice also helps diminish boils, heat rashes, and pimples in people who suffer from such ailments (especially children.)
Petha juice also has detoxifying properties, hence making it good to consume if you suffer from a urinary tract infection, kidney problems, or stones in the kidney, gallbladder, or bladder.
Petha is rich in calcium and phosphorus, making it good for our bones.
Petha is also an excellent method for treating asthma. Drinking a glass of petha juice every day has been shown to keep asthma in control.
Petha juice is also a good way to control unwanted weight gains. Drinking petha juice instead of tea or coffee can better curb your appetite.
People who like to have sweets can instead eat petha sweets. Although they contain sugar, petha sweets can work as a substitute when petha juice is unavailable or when someone strongly dislikes the juice.
So, if you have any of the above health problems, or are prone to any of them, start drinking petha juice or consuming petha sweets. It is recommended that adults drink 200-250ml of petha juice a day, whereas people with heart problems, high blood pressure, or who are obese should drink 700ml of petha juice.
Pumpkin is rich in phosphorus, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, E, and Beta Kerotin which is very beneficial for our health. But pumpkin juice is more beneficial than all the juices because it is the only juice that contains vitamin D. Its juice is helpful in the treatment of so many diseases. Check out here the medicinal properties of pumpkin juice.

कद्दू यानि कि सीताफल में कॉपर, आयरन, फास्फोरस विटामिन बी1, बी2, बी6, सी, ई और बीटा केरोटिन भरपूर मात्रा में होती हैं , जोकि हमारी सेहत के लिए बेहद फायदेमंद है । लेकिन कद्दू का जूस बाकी सारे जूस से कहीं ज़्यादा लाभकारी होता है क्योंकि यह अकेला ऐसा जूस है, जिसमें विटामिन डी पाया जाता है । इसका जूस शरीर के समस्त रोगो के उपचार में मददगार होता है । तो चलिए जानते है कद्दू के जूस औषिधय गुण के बारें में..

सफेद पेठा या कद्दू बहुत फायदेमंद होता है अगर हम इस का जूस निकालकर रोज सुबह पिए तो इसके काफी फायदे हैं इस वीडियो में बताया गया है कि इस का जूस कैसे निकाले और इसके क्या-क्या फायदे हैं
सफ़ेद कद्दू (कुम्हेड़ा) या White Pumpkin पेठे को पूरे India मे different-different type से khaya जाता है| South में जंहा इसकी vegetable बनाई जाती है वंही north India मे इससे prepare petha खाया जाता है|


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Date Published 2020-07-18 10:52:30
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Duration 8:23

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