Roti Pulav Recipe | रोटी से बनाये ये स्वादिष्ट पुलाव | Tukkad Pulao | Roti Pulao By Pramila Singh

Roti Pulav Recipe | रोटी से बनाये ये स्वादिष्ट पुलाव | Tukkad Pulao | Roti Pulao By Pramila Singh

Description :

रोटी जो घर मे बच जाए उस से बनाये ये स्वादिष्ट पुलाव | Roti Pulav | Never Waste Food | Useful Recipe Tip By Pramilas CookBook | Tukkad Pulao | Reuse Roties Tip
We should always appreciate food we eat and get everyday because there are so many people out there who are not able to get food to eat , so this recipe is revolving around that idea that if we have some food left at our home , so instead of throwing it away we should give it to some needy people otherwise we can also make some tasty and amazing recipe out of that remaining food.So let’s rediscover the leftover or remaining food and make something very tasty and delicious out of it.
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Rated 4.66

Date Published 2017-09-15 06:28:03Z
Likes 204
Views 13095
Duration 0:09:19

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