HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST/Indian diet plan for weight-loss/#pcoddietplan/#900calorieindiandietplan
Description :
Hello everyone,
In today’s video I have shared how to lose weight fast 10 kg in 10 days..I have given 900 calorie Indian diet plan for weightloss..this is a perfect Diet plan for pcoc/pcod, thyroid and diabetic patients..this is a very effective weightloss diet plan..this is a full day Indian diet plan for weightloss
if you like this video ,please like, share and comment & Also please subscribe to my channel..
#loseweightfast, #weightlossdietplan, #900caloriedietplan, #lose10kgin10days, #myweightlossjourney #dietplanforpcod
how to lose weight fast,my weight-loss journey, Indian diet plan for weight-loss,How to lose 10 kg in 10 days, 900 calorie Indian diet plan for weight-loss,pcod diet plan, indian diet plan for pcoc/pcod, thyroid ,full day meal/diet plan, Full day indian diet plan for weight loss
Date Published | 2019-07-16 05:28:28Z |
Likes | 169 |
Views | 6892 |
Duration | 0:14:52 |
Can u pls link of ur cookware set
It's Pcos not pcoc
It’s a superb diet plan , plz share some more like this . Always stay well
Mam pls do a video on your skin care routine..we are waiting for that
Can you please make a video for 10 of breakfast in a one video and same for lunch and dinner and salads. So that we can know diffrent options at the time of preparing. You working good this is my fav channel ever.
God bless you always didi love ❤️ you always tc
খুব সুন্দর হয়েছে ডিশ গুলো। ডালিয়া টা আজ রাতেই বানিয়ে খাবো
very nice didi.. please share some more dinner options in the same 900 calories diet.
Wow nice… Frm kolkata…. Shaba.
Fantastic Recipe
hai dear, nice recipie. wud like to try
Hi. Nice vid!