Pina Colada | How To Make PINA COLADA| Nisa Homey

Pina Colada | How To Make PINA COLADA| Nisa Homey

Description :

Pina Colada Recipe: Learn to make Pina Colada at home!
This recipe yields 4 servings.
Fresh Pineapple Chunks: 1 cup (you can use frozen pineapple or canned; if using canned, make sure you wash it thoroughly) OR you can use 1 cup pineapple juice.
50 ml: Thick coconut milk.
50 ml: White rum.
1 cup ice cubes.
To Garnish:
Pineapple and lemon slices.
Nutmeg to grate on top.
To prepare serving glass; run a lemon wedge over the rim of the glass and dip it in a bowl filled with sugar.
Blend all the ingredients in a blender on high speed for 1 minute. Pour this into the serving glass.
Grate nutmeg on top (Just a fat pinch is enough for the subtle flavor) (optional)
Another method to garnish is to fill the pina colada only to the three-fourth of the glass and top with crushed ice.
Notes: You can add little sugar while blending if you prefer; but since I had sugar on the glass rims; I omitted that.
This is my way of making Pina Colada and I hope you will enjoy it.
For Kids or For non alcoholic Pina Colada: Add half cup of cream instead of rum and 2 tbsp sugar while blending.

Rated 4.45

Date Published 2015-04-05 15:43:38Z
Likes 25
Views 4171
Duration 0:01:55

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