Mysore Pak Recipe in Tamil | Ghee Mysore Pak Recipe in Tamil | Hard Mysore Pak Recipe

Mysore Pak Recipe in Tamil | Ghee Mysore Pak Recipe in Tamil | Hard Mysore Pak Recipe

Description :

In this video we will see how to make Mysore Pak recipe in Tamil. Mysore pak is an indian sweet recipe enjoyed during the festival season. In this version of mysore pak, we are going to make it hard and crispy while retaining a porous structure. This is in fact a hybrid between the soft ghee mysore pak and the hard version of mysore pak. In this recipe I have used a 1:1 ghee to oil ratio but you can make it with 1.5 cups of ghee and 0.5 cup of oil or completely ommit the oil. Keep adding the hot oil/ghee mixture as long as the flour can absorb it. Once the flour starts oozing out the absorbed oil/ghee its time to stop adding and we are at the end of the recipe. For a perfect mysore pak use the following tips,
1) Increase the temperature of the mixture to high and make it bubbly before poring the mixture in a tray.
2) Do not press the surface of the mysore pak after pouring it in the tray. This will collapse some air pockets.
3) Use a deep tray for setting, preferably over 3 inches. The depth causes the mysore pak to cool slowly in the middle leading to a reddish layer in the middle of the mysore pak.
4) Cut and make grooves before the mysore pak completely solidifes.

Friends, please do try this mysore pake recipe at home and share it with your friends and family during the holidays. Also please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comments below. All the best and happy cooking.

For detailed Mysore Pak Recipe please visit

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Date Published 2017-10-17 05:30:26Z
Likes 6694
Views 896699
Duration 0:04:34

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