Butter Cookies Recipe in Tamil | Biscuit Recipe Without Oven | Eggless Cookies in Pressure Cooker
Description :
In this video we will see how to make butter cookies recipe in Tamil. In this video we will be making eggless cookies with oven and without oven in pressure cooker. Both methods yield stunning results. Baking cookies / biscuits at home is a very rewarding experience. Nothing comes close to the smell of freshly baked cookies. I have created a checkerboard cookie design however you can either make a totally vanilla / chocolate cookie depending on your preference.
For baking in pressure cooker, use a layer of salt to hold the heat. Use a metal stand to elevate the baking tray. The baking surface should not be in direct contact with the salt and baking should be done by convection mode.
Friends please do bake these cookies / biscuits at home and share them with your friends and family and spread love during this holiday season. Also please share your feedback about the recipe in the comments below. All the best and happy cooking.
Date Published | 2017-12-13 05:30:55Z |
Likes | 22713 |
Views | 2152198 |
Duration | 0:05:15 |