पीठ दिवसभर कापसासारखं मऊ राहणार | कुरकुरीत चौपट फुलणारे पोह्यांचे पापड | Pohyanche papad Madhura
Description :
नमस्कार मंडळी, मधुराज रेसिपीचं पहिलं किचन प्रॉडक्ट आपणापर्यंत पोहचवण्यात आम्हाला अतिशय आनंद होत आहे – मेजरींग कप आणि स्पून्स सेट. ऑर्डर करण्यासाठी खाली दिलेल्या लिंक वर क्लिक करा.
फोनवर ऑर्डर देण्यासाठी तुम्ही 8530706977 या नंबर वर whatsapp मेसेज करा.
पोह्यांचे पापड करण्यासाठी लागणारे साहित्य
• ४ कप / २५० ग्रॅम पोहे
• १/२ चमचा डिंकाची पूड
• १~२ चमचे पाणी
• १ १/२ कप पोह्यांची पूड
• ३ कप पाणी
• १ १/२ चमचा मीठ
• १ १/२ चमचा पापडखार
• १ १/२ मोठा चमचा लाल तिखट
उन्हाळी वाळवणाचे वेगवेगळे प्रकार आपण करतच असतो. जसं की १ किलो गव्हाची कुरडई, १ किलो बटाट्याचे वेफर्स, रव्याचे पापड, साबुदाणा बटाटा पळीपापड, सांडगी मिरची, दही मिरची. उन्हाळी वाळवणांमध्ये आपण वेगवेगळे मसाले देखील करतो जसं की गोडा मसाला, काळा मसाला, कांदा लसूण मसाला. तर या रेसिपीत आपण पोह्यांचे पापड कसे करायचे ते पाहत आहोत. पोह्यांचे पापड लाटत असताना फाटू नये. पोह्यांच्या पापडाच पीठ खूप घट्ट होऊ नये म्हणून विशेष टिप्स दिल्या आहेत. या ५ टिप्स ने पोह्यांचे पापड केले तर तुमचे पोह्यांचे पापड कधीच फसणार नाहीत.
00:49-Weighing poha
01:00-Straining poha
01:08-Roasting poha
02:13-Blending poha
03:10-Making ukad
08:59-Making papad
16:05-Drying papad
16:55-Frying papad
Let’s see how to make poha papad today. This is an authentic traditional Marathi recipe. These papad puff up really good on frying. They not only look nice but also taste just awesome. In Konkan these papad are also known as Mirgund. In Maharashtra, there is tradition to make different papad with onset of summer. Once these papad dry well, you can store them over a year and fry or roast whenever you want. This type of recipes are known as “Valvanachya” recipes. I remember, while I was a kid loved helping my mom to make such recipes. We already have seen poha papad recipe. But today I will share easier version of it. You can try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me. Do not forget to like, share and subscribe.
• 4 cups / 250 gm Poha
• 1/2 tsp Dink powder
• 1~2 tsp Water
• 1 1/2 cup Poha powder
• 3 cups Water
• 1 1/2 tsp Papad khar
• 1 1/2 tsp Salt
• 1 1/2 tbsp Red chili powder
• Strain poha really good and dry roast them on medium heat until they turn nice and crunchy for
about 7-8 minutes.
• Turn the gas off and let poha cool down completely.
• Blend poha inti as fine powder as possible in mixer and strain it well once.
• Mix dink powder and water well and keep it aside.
• Heat up water in a pan and add salt and red chili powder.
• Mix well and bring it to boil.
• When the mixture boils well, turn the heat to medium and add papad khar and mix well.
• Turn the heat to low and add poha powder.
• Mix everything well together. No lumps of poha powder should be formed.
• Move the ukad along the edge of the pan and add 2 tbsp water at the base.
• Spread the water all over the pan and shift the ukad at the center.
• Spread it evenly and over the pan with a lid.
• Cook the ukad really good on low heat for at least 7-8 minutes.
• After cooking the ukad for about 3 minutes, open the lid and mix it well.
• If you feel ukad is sticking to the pan and it is stiff, then add about 1 tbsp water and spread it all
over the pan.
• Again spread the ukad evenly and cover it with a lid.
• Repeat this step after 3 minutes again.
• While repeating the process for the 3rd time, add 1 tbsp water on the ukad and spread it all over.
• Take a small portion of the ukad and knead it really good.
• Again keep the pan covered.
• Take a small portion and make it smooth and even.
• Spread a plastic sheet and spread the dink water on it.
• Place the ukad ball on it and cover it with another plastic sheet.
• Roll out as thin papad as possible with the help of rolling pin and remove the upper paper.
• Cut round papad with the help of Katori and remove excess dough.
• Cover the papad with plastic sheet again and roll out the edges carefully once.
• Transfer the papad on another plastic sheet and press it a little.
• Remove the plastic sheet and let the papad dry well.
• Once you are done with this lot, take next portion of ulkd and repeat the process.
• While drying when the edges begin to lift up, flip the papad over and let it dry again.
• Let the papad dry completely under hot sun for a day or two.
• Store them in an airtight container once papad dry completely.
• You can make a few more than 50 papad from 250 gm poha.
For more Such Recipes
उरद डाळ पापड | How To Make Urad Dal Papad Easily At Home | MadhurasRecipe – https://youtu.be/706Fb_2Q7BA
१/२ कप तांदुळाच्या पिठात बनवा झटपट ५० पापड | चावल के पापड, Instant Rice Papad | MadhurasRecipe 532 – https://youtu.be/9dm4HdRWXmI
रव्याच्या झटपट साल पापड्या | Instant Rava Papad | MadhurasRecipe | Ep – 365 – https://youtu.be/NgzO5wvkbnE
फक्त १/२ कप तांदुळात बनवा भरपूर पापड्या | ५ मिनिटात बनवा वाफेवरचे पापड | Instant Papad |Madhura – https://youtu.be/6bSbyg8Nfqc
Date Published | 2025-02-12 07:30:12 |
Likes | 1514 |
Views | 106566 |
Duration | 19:8 |