milk cake kalakand sweet recipe | Milk Cake Recipe | Milk Cake Kalakand recipe

milk cake kalakand sweet recipe | Milk Cake Recipe | Milk Cake Kalakand recipe

Description :

milk cake kalakand sweet recipe | Milk Cake Recipe | Milk Cake Kalakand recipe.
Milk cake is special sweet dish from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. This can be prepared on any festival. This delectable sweet is prepared with milk, where milk is cooked until it gets dense and grainy in texture. It’s further cooked with sugar and allowed to set for almost 24 hours.

This dish is really satisfying! A treat for all those you love easting sweet. Milk cake which usually takes number of hours and hard work can be prepared easily using this recipe. Follow the step by step instructions and it’s sure that everybody will love it at your home!
#milkcakekalakandsweetrecipe #MilkCakeRecipe #MilkCakeKalakandrecipe

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Date Published 2019-04-26 06:18:56Z
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Views 1687
Duration 0:03:39

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