Rāja Vidyā Yoga – Chapter 9 – BhagavatGita in Sanskrit with Telugu Translation

Rāja Vidyā Yoga – Chapter 9 – BhagavatGita in Sanskrit with Telugu Translation

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Gist by Swami Mukundananda @ https://www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org/chapter/9
In the two previous chapters, the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna declared that among all, bhakti is the highest, yet the simplest path of attaining Yog, or union with the Supreme. In this chapter, He reveals His supreme glories that inspire reverence, devotion, and awe. Although Shree Krishna stands in front of Arjun in His personal form, it should not be mistaken to possess human personality.

At the beginning of creation, the Supreme Lord creates innumerable life-forms with His material energy. And at dissolution, He absorbs them back into Himself, and in the next cycle of creation, He manifests them again. Similar to the mighty winds that blow everywhere yet always stay within the sky, all living beings’ dwell within God. However, He remains ever aloof and detached from all these activities as a neutral observer by His divine Yogmaya power.

To resolve the apparent confusion of the Hindu pantheon, Shree Krishna explains that there is only one God, who is the sole object of worship. For all living beings, He is the true friend, the support, refuge, and the final goal. Therefore, those souls who engage in exclusive devotion towards the Supreme Lord go to His abode and remain there. Those influenced by the ritualistic ceremonies described in the Vedas also attain the celestial abodes. However, when their merits are exhausted, they must return to earth.

Saying this, Shree Krishna exalts the superiority of pure bhakti solely directed toward Him. Such a devotee lives in complete union with God’s will, doing everything for Him and offering everything to Him. Their pure devotion helps devotees attain the mystic union with God and releases them from the bondage of Karmas.

Shree Krishna asserts that He is impartial towards all creatures; He neither favors nor rejects anyone. Even if despicable sinners come to His shelter, He accepts them willingly and very quickly makes them pure and virtuous. Shree Krishna then says that He is seated within His devotees and will not let them perish. He preserves what they possess and provides them what they lack. Hence, we should dedicate our mind and body to Him, worship Him, always think of Him, and make Him our supreme goal.


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Date Published 2021-11-07 14:05:36
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Views 532
Duration 21:9

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