आलू के चिप्स | एक बार बनाये सालभर खाये Crispy Potato Chips Wafers | Store for a year Food Connection

आलू के चिप्स | एक बार बनाये सालभर खाये Crispy Potato Chips Wafers | Store for a year Food Connection

Description :

#foodconnection #potatochips #wafers #snacks #teatimesnacks #cooking

Making homemade Indian-style potato chips is easy and delicious! You can season them with classic Indian spices for extra flavor.

Ingredients –
2.5kg Potatoes (aloo)
1 tsp rock salt (sendha namak)
1/4 tsp alum/fitkari
Method –
We need big and long potatoes for making potato wafers. Wash them with water.
Peel all the potatoes.
Wash all the peeled potatoes with water and dip them in water.
Slice all the peeled potatoes with the help of a slicer.
Immediately dip the potato slices in water.
In this way I have sliced all the potatoes and dipped all the potato slices in water.
Wash all the potato slices for 3-4 times with water.
I have boiled water in a big vessel. Add rock salt and alum in water and mix.
Add potato slices in boiling water and allow to boil for 7-10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
Take out a boiled potato slice, check with nail, if the nail inserts easily in it, this means potato slices are done. Switch off the flame and drain out all the boiled slices from hot water.
Switch on the flame and add next batch of potato slices in boiling water and allow to cook in the same way.
Dry all the potato slices on a plastic sheet. Try to keep distance between all the slices while drying.
After 2 days all potato wafers have dried nicely. You can store them for a year.
Fry the dried potato wafer in hot oil on medium flame whenever you want.
These homemade potato wafers are super crispy and delicious.
Now add spices according to choice.

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Products used in Video
Copper Measuring Spoons with Wooden Handle :- https://amzn.to/3zxlut7
Ring Light :- https://amzn.to/3iEvoT6
Grey Backdrop :- https://amzn.to/3kVIjD0
SDHC Card 32gb :- https://amzn.to/3y4pD7v
Laptop for editing :- https://amzn.to/2Veweh6
Mic for voiceover :- https://amzn.to/3kTGlTn
Silicon Spoons and Spatula :- https://amzn.to/2Wa6XVW
Camera :- https://amzn.to/2UODaBZ
Tripod for mobile :- https://amzn.to/3kP4XwK

Youtube Channel Link :- https://bit.ly/3y4zvhV
Second Channel Link :- https://bit.ly/3kVJySG

About Me- Hi friends, this is Madhulika Vatsal and I am passionate about cooking and baking. I like to make authentic food as well as I also like to innovate with them.

BECOME MEMBER OF OUR FOOD CONNECTION FAMILY:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxzieQx87jUh6wZArvz05HA/join

Rated 5.00

Date Published 2025-02-15 06:30:14
Likes 15
Views 429
Duration 6:45

Article Categories:
Hindi · North Indian

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