Methi दाना से 1 month में बीमारियों से आज़ादी | Benefits of methi seeds and water

Methi दाना से 1 month में बीमारियों से आज़ादी | Benefits of methi seeds and water

Description :

weight loss, cholesterol, Diabetes, constipation, Blood pressure, cancer, Acidity, GERD, sore throat, Hair fall, गंजापन, ज़ुर्रिया, दाग, धब्बे, Etc jaisi bimariyo me turant rahat paiye.

breastfeeding / स्तनपान and Menstruation / मासिक धर्म me helpful methi dana.

The video talks about

0:27 ►Nutrition in methi seeds
1:00 ►Benefits of Methi seeds and methi water in high cholesterol
2:09 ►Benefits of Methi seeds in weight loss
2:59 ►Benefits of methi in lactation/breastfeeding
3:41 ►Benefits of methi seeds in Pcos/pcod
4:08 ►Benefits of methi seeds and water in the menstrual cycle
5:19 ►Benefits of methi seeds and water in Diabetes and blood sugar
6:09 ► Benefits in acidity, acid reflux, constipation and digestion
7:00 ► skincare, pimples, pigmentation
8:00 ►Benefits of methi seeds in hair care, dandruff, hair fall
9:00 ► Side effects of methi seeds in pregnancy


#benefitsofmethiseeds #benefitsofmethiwater #methiseedbenefits

Links of the articles mentioned in the article :

►Benefits of methi seeds and methi water –

Magical Benefits of Methi seeds (fenugreek seeds)

►How to increase breast size in women…

►Indian diet plan for lactating mother –

Indian diet plan for lactating mothers ( Suitable for Normal and Cesarian delivery)

►Indian diet plan for the high cholesterol problem

Indian diet plan for Reducing Cholesterol ( Reduce LDL, VLDL, Increase HDL levels )

Video Links mentioned above

►Indian diet plan for weight loss –

►Indian diet plan for diabetes

►Gestational diabetes plan

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Rated 4.91

Date Published 2019-06-02 07:56:10Z
Likes 961
Views 30017
Duration 0:09:44

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