Palong Shak Ghonto—Palang Saag Bengali Recipe—Spinach Mixed Vegetable Curry—Indian Spinach Dishes

Palong Shak Ghonto—Palang Saag Bengali Recipe—Spinach Mixed Vegetable Curry—Indian Spinach Dishes

Description :

Palong shaak’er ghonto is a kind of panchmishali torkari in that it uses an assortment of vegetables—potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, moolo (radish), sheem (broad beans), and brinjal—besides the spinach (palong/palak). As the illustrious roll-call of ingredients suggests, this palong shaak recipe brings together flavours, textures (and don’t forget nutrients) from a variety of sources. This particular Bengali vegetarian preparation is a herbivore’s delight, although it is enjoyed by omnivores in equal measure. What’s more, the spinach curry we show in this video is several times more tasty than the regular palong shaak bhaji.

This dish is a ‘ghonto’, a dry curry. Here, the vegetables are steamed in their own juices until they are soft, exactly like in panchmishali torkari. There’s not much to this recipe in terms of spices or technique. Sparsely spiced with just turmeric and cumin powder, this recipe relies on salt and sugar to help draw the moisture and flavours from the vegetables. They cook on low heat, covered, for about 40 to 45 minutes (don’t forget to stir regularly to prevent burning), enabling the juices from the veggies to mingle together to produce a unique-tasting dish.

When wintry greens are crisp and in season, there is no better use for spinach than making this delicious (did we say nutritious?) palong shaak’er ghonto, which can be served with steaming rice and dal.

View the FULL RECIPE at
Steaming rice:
Plain mosur dal:
Panchmishali torkari:

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Rated 4.8

Date Published 2018-01-26 07:18:08Z
Likes 8516
Views 451072
Duration 0:07:00

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