Cooking with Diptanshu Roy & Karishma Siddique Roy: Rannaghore Ke? Episode 11

Cooking with Diptanshu Roy & Karishma Siddique Roy: Rannaghore Ke? Episode 11

Description :

Our guests today are Diptanshu and Karishma. Karishma is a fashion designer, artist, and a former radio jockey for the All-India Radio, among many, many other artistic pursuits. Diptanshu is a calligrapher, photographer, adman, musician, the most well-regarded mandolin player in India. And both of them are, of course, also good cooks.

Diptanshu (@dolinman) has a long-running YouTube channel of 18 years, started in 2006 before YouTube became popular in India, where he and Karishma now produce musical jams and music collaborations with other performers and artists under the banner of Dolinman X. In this episode, I particularly enjoyed hearing Karishma talk about the thought process and some of the aesthetic choices behind producing their videos.

We have known both Karishma and Diptanshu for several years. Diptanshu da, in fact, has been foundational to the very existence of Bong Eats—since, as many of you will know he, along with Sayatya and Zubin, composed the music scores that you all love and listen to here on Bong Eats. And if you watched the first episode of our new series Pasher Barir Ranna, you will have heard the theme song, “Barir Kache Arshinagar”, also performed and recorded by Dolinman X.

Diptanshu da’s music channel on YouTube has been a great source of joy for us on many a weekend afternoon, when we will just play song after after, listening to them, whilst admiring their beautiful old house, their terrace, and their aesthetics. We are very lucky to call these two precious human beings our friends.
🙌🏽 An extended cut of this video is available to Patrons, over at Bong Eats Adda:
🪕Follow Dolinman on Instagram:
Listen to the latest from Dolinman X:

💋 Follow Kariepotter on Instagram:
🖋️ Follow Potteraits on Instagram:
“Aise na dekho”:
“Chhaya ghera”:
“Eto chawa niye kotha jai”:
“Neel sagore”:
“Moner duar”:
“Shara raat”:
“Tumi fire jani asbe na”:
“Old time river man”:

Rated 5.00

Date Published 2024-08-30 04:00:08
Likes 184
Views 2505
Duration 55:9

Article Categories:
Bengali · Bengali

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