உலர்ந்த திராட்சை செய்வது எப்படி / Homemade Kismis / Dry grapes / Homemade Raisins/ உலர் திராட்சை

உலர்ந்த திராட்சை செய்வது எப்படி / Homemade Kismis / Dry grapes / Homemade Raisins/ உலர் திராட்சை

Description :

Green Grapes- 200 gram
Water – 1 liter
1. wash grapes one or two times in running water
2. boil 1 ltr water in vessel. add the grapes in rolling boil water.
3. boil for 5 minutes on medium flame until grapes well cooked
4. after 5 minutes the grapes will float on the top.
5. Drain the water completely.
6. place the towel on plate. Add drained grapes to the plate and cover it. Keep it in sun light for 3 days.
7. After 3 days our home made dry grapes is ready. Store in airtight container.

Rated 5.0

Date Published 2020-05-12 18:15:28Z
Likes 10
Views 342
Duration 0:02:14

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