Ghevar / Rajasthan special ghevar / Rajasthan ghevar / Ghevar recipe in tamil / Diwali sweet recipe

Ghevar / Rajasthan special ghevar / Rajasthan ghevar / Ghevar recipe in tamil / Diwali sweet recipe

Description :

for batter
• ▢100 ml ghee
• ▢ 200 gram maida
• ▢100 ml milk, chilled
• ▢200 ml water, chilled
• ▢1 tbsp lemon juice
• ▢1 block ice

for sugar syrup
• ▢ 250 gram sugar
• ▢ 50 ml water

other ingredients
• ▢oil for deep frying
• ▢dry fruits, for garnishing


1. Take ghee and rub with ice block.
2. add chilled milk and give a rough mix.
3. now add 2 cup maida and mix well.
4. add chilled water, 1 tsp lemon juice and make a smooth flowing consistency
5. pour the 2 tbsp of batter keeping a good distance from hot oil.
6. the batter will splatter and later the froth subsides. repeat 10-15 times
7. pull the ghevar out once cooked, and drain off the oil completely.
8. In a pan add sugar and water. Mix well until sugar dissolves completely.
9. In medium flame allow it to boil untill one thread consistency.
10. pour the sugar syrup over ghevar, garnish with chopped nuts. (option I)
11. Pour milk maid over ghevar along with the sugar syrup, garnish with nuts. (Option II)
12. Also add milk kova or basanti over ghevar as per your choice (Option III)
13. Our Rajasthan special ghevar is ready to eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rated 5.00

Date Published 2021-09-24 09:08:01
Likes 4
Views 150
Duration 8:55

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