Advertise With Us offers unique advertising opportunities, with millions of visitors each month and customized solutions to help you target the customers crucial to your company’s succes

What are banner ads?

Banner ads were initially judged primarily on the basis of click-through rate (CTR). In the early days of the Web, click-through rates were generally much higher than they are now, perhaps due to the novelty factor. Other causes for the decline in CTR may include technical limitations, the awkward horizontal shape, poor banner design, an excessive percentage of run-of-network buys, and accumulated bad experiences of Web surfers.

“Banners never work” is a common refrain from the anti-banner crowd. Although click-through rates have gone consistently downward, the same can be said of banner ad prices. It is still possible to achieve a click-through rate many times the industry average by combining good placement and design. Combining below-average ad rates and above-average response rates can lead to an acceptable return on investment, just as in any other advertising medium.

How to choose banner design?

You don’t need to be an expert designer to make your own banner ad. With a computer and an Internet connection, anybody can create web banners. But there are several key elements you need to consider in order to choose the right banner design for your company. The first things you must know is who your main target audience is, what you want from them, and what your value proposition is.

In choosing the design for your banner, make sure to select a standard web banner size so that you don’t limit the reach of you banner ad campaigns. Use readable fonts if you want the user understand what you want to offer and what he can get. Present a branding element along with your brand colorson your ads to project professionalism and increase brand awareness. Also, use high quality photos since those of poor quality can cause mistrust between the brand and the user.And don’t overstuff your banner ad. The simpler your banner ad is, the easier you can put your message across to your audience.

Homepage Rotating Ledger Board Banner Ads (Top)

This advertisement banner will be placed on the home page. On the home page this advertisement will be located at the top.

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Homepage Rotating Ledger Board Banner Ads (Center)

This advertisement banner will be placed on the home page. On the home page this advertisement will be located at the center.

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Homepage Rotating Ledger Board Banner Ads (Bottom)

This advertisement banner will be placed on the home page. On the home page this advertisement will be located at the bottom.

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Footer Rotating Ledger Board Banner Ad (All Pages)

This advertisement banner will be placed on the footer on all the pages. 

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All Pages Right Bar Rotating Medium Rectangular Banner Ads (Top)

This advertisement banner will be placed on the right side bar on all the pages. On the right side bar this advertisement will be placed at the top.

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All Pages Right Bar Rotating Medium Rectangular Banner Ads (Center)

This advertisement banner will be placed on the right side bar on all the pages. On the right side bar this advertisement will be placed at the center.

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All Pages Right bar Rotating Medium Rectangular Banner Ads (Bottom)

This advertisement banner will be placed on the right side bar on all the pages. On the right side bar this advertisement will be placed at the bottom.

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