Eggless Ice Cream Recipe in Tamil | Custard Ice Cream Recipe without Eggs without Cream (Only Milk)

Eggless Ice Cream Recipe in Tamil | Custard Ice Cream Recipe without Eggs without Cream (Only Milk)

Description :

In this video we will see how to make ice cream at home in Tamil. This homemade vanilla ice cream can be made only using milk and custard powder. No need of heavy whipping cream or eggs or condensed milk. We don’t need a ice cream maker for this recipe as well. The time consuming step is the reduction in milk quantity and after that the recipe is very fast. After adding the custard powder, we need to bring the mixture to a boil under a gentle heat. Also remember to dissolve the custard powder in a small quantity of warm milk before adding it to the recipe. This ensures the evenness. I have used roasted nuts but you can add small bits of fruits or other nuts/ choco chips and any other flavoring that you like. In order to prevent the formation of ice crystals, store the ice cream in a air tight container in the freezer and blend it at least 4 times (in small batches otherwise the mixie will overload)

Friends please do try this homemade ice cream. This is a really simple recipe with excellent results. Once you make the basic version you can innovate and create your own flavors. Please share your feedback about the recipe in the comments below. All the best and happy cooking.

For detailed Eggless ice cream recipe / Custard Ice cream recipe please visit

Rated 4.77

Date Published 2017-08-04 05:34:46Z
Likes 9461
Views 1182403
Duration 0:05:20

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