पारंपरिक ओल्या तुरीची आमटी | Nutritious Olya Turichi Amti | Fresh Pigeon Peas Curry | Chef Roopa
Description :
Turichya danyanchi amti tastes just awesome. This is a traditional recipe. You can have this as soup too. You can try this recipe at home.
रोज भातावर डाळ खाऊन कंटाळा आला असेल तर तुमच्यासाठी घेऊन आलो आहोत हिवाळा स्पेशल “गावरान ओल्या तुरीच्या दाण्यांची आमटी” रेसिपी.
Pigeon peas controls blood pressure, prevents anaemia, helps in losing weight, and aids in immunity. They contain low amount of calories and saturated fats, thus reducing the possibilities of weight gain.
तुरीच्या दाण्यांमध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणामध्ये लोह असते. हे लोह आपल्या शरीरासाठी अत्यंत चांगला असतं. आपल्याला जर खूप थकवा येत असेल तर त्यावरती उपाय म्हणून सुद्धा आपण ओल्या तुरीचे दाणे खाऊ शकतो.
#pigeonpeas #amtirecipe #indiancurry #ruchkarmejwani #traditionalcuisine #traditionalcurry
2 tsp Oil
½ Onion (finely chopped)
1 tbsp Fresh Coconut (grated)
1 tbsp Dried Coconut (grated)
1 tbsp Tamarind Pulp
Water (as required)
2 tsp Oil
1 tbsp Ginger-Garlic & Green Chilli Paste
½ Onion (finely chopped)
1 cup Fresh Pigeon Peas
Salt (as per taste)
½ tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 tsp Garam Masala Powder
1 tsp Coriander & Cumin Seeds Powder
Water (as required)
Host: Roopa
Copyrights: REPL
Our other curries which you can try:-
Mayaluchi Amti – https://youtu.be/S40m7BsrVGA
Arbi Tirphal Amti – https://youtu.be/vyjsazIRL_s
Shevgyancha Shenganchi Amti – https://youtu.be/ScLVx6UCp50
For feedback and suggestions please write to us at foodcurry47@gmail.com
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Date Published | 2025-01-20 05:30:00 |
Likes | 125 |
Views | 2884 |
Duration | 4:36 |