White Pumpkin Halwa/ Poosanikai Halwa/பூசணிக்காய் அல்வா/காசி அல்வா/Kasi Halwa/ Halwa recipes

White Pumpkin Halwa/ Poosanikai Halwa/பூசணிக்காய் அல்வா/காசி அல்வா/Kasi Halwa/ Halwa recipes

Description :


Peel off the outer skin of pumpkin and grate the inner fleshy part.Measure it and keep aside. In a pan add a tbsp of ghee and roast the cashews.almond, pista till golden brown,set aside. Dont disacrd the juice measure, add it along with the veggie.

Add 1/2 tbsp of ghee along with grated pumpkin and saute till raw smell leaves. It will leave out water by itself so keep sauting, cook covered till it turns soft. Then add sugar,food color mix well.If the water is not sufficient for the veggie to get cooked then add 1/4 cup water.
Once pumpkin turns mushy and gets cooked well(it will be glossy and transparent), the next stage it will form together as a mass and leave the sides of the pan. At this stage, add remaining ghee, food colour,roasted dry fruits, cardamom powder, and give a quick stir.Switch off and serve hot/warm.
I love it both hot and even cold!

How to make pumpkin halwa, how to make white pumpkin halwa, poosanikai halwa, halwa recipes,காசி அல்வா,காசி அல்வா செய்முறை,பூசணிக்காய் அல்வா செய்யும் முறை

Rated 4.75

Date Published 2017-09-04 17:35:39Z
Likes 30
Views 8643
Duration 0:04:20


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